Thursday, January 17, 2013

Contemplating life from a calm vantage point

Yours truly is reading Vikram Seth's "A suitable boy", one of the longest novels in English. And has absolutely no idea when she is going to ever finish it, considering how her daily life now resembles that of  the road runner. Anyhow, she was particularly riveted by the following lines, where Pran Kapoor a Minister's son goes into a pensive mood and observes what his father has to deal with, being a public figure: "The headaches, the overwork, the responsibility, the lack of control over one's own time, the complete absence of opportunity to contemplate the world from a calm vantage point: these mattered little to him"

While she is extremely thankful she does not have to deal with the first item on the list (viz. headache), she does seem to be having a lot of the remaining. Except that:
1. The items in the said list matter EVERYTHING to her.
2. She is not a public figure. Not even close, not even a little bit.

It gives her 1the shivers, when she tries to contemplate if this is the life in wait for her. Well, since she is also suffering from the "complete absence of opportunity to contemplate the world from a calm vantage point" [which, incidentally happens to be her fav line], she shall now return to drafting a regular second appeal, for someone whose property has been sorta taken over by his neighbours.

Bye bye her problems, hello problems of the world.

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