Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life! Or something like it!

Not very often do we get the time or patience to become reflective of our lives and the beautiful people in it that make it worth living! Yup, so the point is - currently Miss Gee is in one of those weird moods where she tries to delve deeper into stuff that happened and why those happened and what she learnt from them. And, as rightly inferred, she wants to blog about some of it. 

Disclaimer: This post carries a 100% risk factor of becoming drab, dreary and dry. Please move away, at the very first getaway.

Well, the setting. The obscure little Southern capital city. The L-shaped, suffocating, hostel room. Fun loving friends. A demanding exam - so demanding that Miss Gee's life since the study began has been life-less, friend-less, fun-less and even food-less! Not that it is a pre-requisite, but Miss Gee belongs to a particularly nauseating tribe of wannabe-serious-geeks that she has tried to avoid what are "perceived distractions". Bad move Miss Gee, that one. Very bad move!

Okay so back to the setting. Miss Gee was learning - quite a lot. And boy wasn't she amused!?

For the first time ever in her life, Miss Gee was sharing space with somebody who actually knew how to well, let's just say, look good and feel good. Not that Miss Gee hung out inside trash bins with smelly street urchins; but she and her creed had never cared beyond the very necessary and minimal stuff. Not that caring more would have changed much anyway! ;)
But this episode in Miss Gee's life was, honestly speaking, a revelation. That mirrors had in them the power to literally petrify homo sapiens, and hook them onto their own reflections. Maybe it is an occupational hazard of being beautiful and wanting to maintain the beauty all day long. So what did Miss Gee learn? Well, yes, make better use of the mirror. But nah! Miss Gee should just stick on to the old policy of seasonal obsessions and seasonal outbursts of consciousness. Honestly Miss Gee, I think even that would be too much to ask of you - considering your blissful illiteracy when it comes to such matters.

Now let us skip to lesson number two. So who was the genius who believed Eve was created from Adam's rib bone? Yea, some unlettered imbecile. But it seems Miss Gee is the only one who never really took the story in. Eves are supposed to stay weak and coy. Adams are the strong, macho ones who sort of enjoy pampering Eves, and are continually amused by them. Miss Gee, may be you're another sub-species. You really don't seem impressed by their conduct, do you? Yup, that's right. There are instances where Miss Gee thought she'd throw up! Nah. I don't like the condescending, superior tone in Miss Gee's thinking. Miss Gee is being a little too snobbish here. Remember - just let them be - is Miss Gee's official anthem!

Yes lesson number three. Miss Gee got to listen to a number of very interesting stories - mainly matters of the heart. Even Miss Gee told her companion her story, but Miss Gee had already forgotten crucial links in the story, and her poor companion had to make do with a very broken hole-some story. Not that Miss Gee didnt intend to, but Miss Gee had actually lost track of many events. Yes, but she did intentionally hide the more painful parts of the story, involving the elaborate scheming that had broken her heart.
And the lesson she learnt was that, when it comes to matters of the heart, not just her, but pretty much everybody is a doofus. She found that it was so endearing to know that human emotions can actually be hilarious, esp when viewed as an independent third party. But no, Miss Gee is not judging on them. She has been there, done that. Plus Miss Gee thoroughly enjoyed the company.

All in all, Miss Gee quite enjoyed the trip and the people in it. She wouldn't trade the world for them.

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