Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quotes Images

So, these are images that I've downloaded from various FB pages.
To be brutally honest, I've no idea if this is gonna violate somebody's rights and if a disclaimer will make a difference to any of that.
But still, I hereby state that these are not mine, these are stuff that are available to all on different FB sites. I've just pooled a few of them together here, because I find them cute.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Letting go! :(

C'est la vie! Sigh!

Sometimes you really have no choices to pick from!
Imagine the pain when you are handed out heartbreaks by one of the world's most unkindest,unimaginative and uncreative creations!

Well, what's gone is gone. I mean, there is no coming back. I'll just have to wait till it grows back. :(

My hair!

To cut a long story short, I went for a little trim, because my hair was coming off at the ends, and before I know it, the dimwit has half my hair cut and GONE!


P.S: Niki is right, I should NEVER EVER subject my head to disasters by imbecile WOMEN who masquerade themselves as hairstylists! Contrary to what feminists say or believe, its a men's world! I'll vouch for it! All thanks to moronic women BARBAROUS BARBERS!

P.P.S: I hope she'll find the reference 'barber' indecent and defamatory!